Ready to discover the magic of southern Chile? Join us!
Noviembre 19, 2022
Ready to discover the magic of southern Chile? Join us!

Araucanía Region

Are you looking for natural beauty and magical stories and legends? The Araucania region is for you, one of the regions located in the south of the country of Chile that stands out for having these amazing qualities, being important to highlight that this region receives its name because the Araucania tree predominates throughout the area.

Get ready to live one of the most enriching experiences in one of the most beautiful, unknown and complete areas of Chile. Beautiful lakes and lots of green are the main characteristics of this emblematic region, which has its capital Temuco, one of the most important cities in Chile.

If you want to travel to this region of Chile, keep in mind to visit the following destinations: Pucón, Lake Villarrica, the Conguillío National Park, the Licán Ray side and Lake Budi; we assure you that you will love them.


Region of the rivers

If you are a nature lover, the Los Rios Region is ready to enchant you when you visit. It has wonderful lakes, rivers, agricultural and forest landscapes and volcanoes. You can also find in this region a large forest with temperate climate, which is known as Valdivian Forest.

In its capital, Valdivia, you can enjoy exquisite wetlands and rivers. Also, keep in mind that this city is called by several nicknames, among which are: the Pearl of the South, University City, City of Rivers, Craft Beer Capital, Nautical Capital of the South Pacific, which indicates the great diversity of attractions and the quality of life that you can find.


Lake District

The gateway to Chilean Patagonia, where myths and legends fill the place. In this region you will also find natural and gastronomic wonders,

We will tell you about the most iconic attractions of the most important cities of this region, starting with Chiloé, where you will find magical places such as the famous Chiloé archipelago, full of myths and legends, among which the Truco, which is rumored to be a creature very similar to an ogre that wanders through the boques of the big island and the Caleuche, a ghost ship that usually appears on the shores of the big island.

On the other hand, we also have the city of Osorno, a spectacular combination of nature and culture, finding a mixture of Mapuche and German culture. If you travel to Osorno, you can not miss the Plaza de Armas, the Municipal Market, the Pueblito Artesanal and Fort Reina Luisa in the Municipal Historical Museum.


Aysén Region

The south of Chile has enveloped us in nature wherever we go. Totally magical, mind-blowing and renewing! The Aysén region is no exception, enveloping you in green forests, turquoise waters and the blue of its ice, as well as amazingly colorful flora and fauna.

The region of Aysén is also an ideal destination for those who love sports, as you can use the tops of the hills, especially the Cerro Castillo for trekking, or if you are more of water sports, you can sail on Lake General Carrera. On the other hand, if you like quieter sports, or if you don't like sports at all but rather quiet walks, you can go walking on the Exploradores glacier or walk the walkways of Caleta Tortel, without a doubt the Aysén region is the perfect place to unite nature and adventure.


Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region

Welcome to the southernmost part of the world! The most extensive region in the world, where 52% of the protected wild areas include Torres del Paine National Park, Bernardo O'Higgins National Park and Cape Horn National Park.

Have you heard about the end of the world? This is the gateway to the white continent, a place where you can find a great geographical diversity, from fjords and gulfs, to extensive and wonderful channels.  For photography lovers, the Magallanes region is the ideal destination.

If you want to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature and get lost in its immensity, Magallanes is the right place.

Santiago Metropolitan Region

Here you will be able to see the wonderful and imposing Andes Mountain Range and also all the route made by the great hills that form the great valley of Santiago.

The sweetness of the wine that emanates from the vineyards of the Maipo Valley and Pirque graces the flavors of the area. Adventure sports and the incredible connection you can get with nature you will get in the Cajón del Maipo, where you can practice trekking, canopy and rafting.

If on the other hand you prefer to leave sports aside and you are a person who enjoys good art, you can visit the giant variety of museums in Santiago and in the areas of Pomaire and Melipilla.

The mountain range is covered with snow during the winter, making it the perfect setting for those who practice snow sports.

So much for the tour of the wonders of southern Chile, undoubtedly another magical and immersive experience. No doubt Chile offers you the opportunity to have it ALL in one country, from its gastronomy, its vineyards, nature in its purest state, the magic of Chiloé, its people, its culture and the encouraging color of Valparaíso.

We hope we have been able to help you choose your next destination!




