General Carrera Lake
Know General Carrera Lake
General Carrera Lake is the second major lake in South America. It`s located in Patagonia, surrounded by abundant vegetation, with a surface of 978 squared kilometers. The lake is located in the Chile/Argentina border, and it features special conditions that make turism activities development possible, like adventure sports and walks close to the marvelous nature. The seaports and villages turn it in one of the most attractive places to enjoy outdoor and sports activities.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Colorful flora and fauna. Craftsmanship and sport activities.
- When to go:
All year long
- Activities:
Hiking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, sport fishing, rowing, mailing, picnic, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Cold weather. The annual media temperature is 9ºC. The rain is abundant all year -600 to 4000 milimeters per year-.
- Location:
Colorful flora and fauna. Craftsmanship and sport activities.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, cafeteria, crafts, camping.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Coyhaique: Airway
Coyhaique-Puerto Ibáñez, Murta Bay, Puerto Tranquilo, Puerto Guadal: Land route by Austral Route
Coyhaique-Chile Chico, Murta Bay, Puerto Sanchez, Guadal: Airway, by small airports in each point. - Surroundings:
Tortel bay, Exploradores bay, Castillo Hill, Las Manos cave, Bertrand Lake, Cochrane lake, Leones lake, San Lorenzo Hill, Bernardo O`Higgins National Park, Castillo Hill National Reserve, Tamango National Reserve, Baker River, Capilla de Mármol Nature Sanctuary, Jorge Montt snowcap, Leones snowcap, Soler snowcap.
Nearby tourist attractions
Lago Elizalde - 91 kmLago General Carrera y Río Baker - 35 kmReserva Nacional Cerro Castillo - 67 km
Reserva Nacional Tamango - 57 kmRío Baker - 82 km
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