Lauca and Putre National Park

Know Lauca and Putre National Park

Llauca Park is in the middle of the desert and it still features amazing flora and fauna, as well as a great archaeological value. It has cultural patrimony; the aymara people and prehispanic towns lived in the area thousands of years ago, surrounded by lakes, lagoons, volcanoes and salar lagoons located in the highlands (4500 meters above sea level) The flora and fauna contemplation is one of the most popular activities for visitors. It`s possible to find queñoa and llaterales forests, as well as alpacas, llamas and a wonderful avifauna (three kinds of flamencos in the zone). The sports are a fantastic way to spend your tie here, the favorite being rock climbing. You can climb the Payachatas (Parinacota and Pomerape Volcanoes with more than 6,000 meters above sea level), and the Putre and Tarapaca mountains.

Información del Destino:
  • Attractions:

    Amazing flora and fauna. Ideal place for sports. Archaeological, anthropological, architecture, cattle and agricultural interest.

  • When to go:

    All year long.

  • Activities:

    Hiking, trekking, mountainbike, high mountain tours, climbing, birds watching, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.

  • Weather:

    Desert weather. The temperature oscillates between day and night time, and the summer rain is more frequent with a high media of 260 milimeters. The media temperature is 8ºC during day, and -5ºC to -15ºC during night time.


  • Location:

    Amazing flora and fauna. Ideal place for sports. Archaeological, anthropological, architecture, cattle and agricultural interest.

  • Services;

    Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, information center, handmade crafts.

  • How to get there:

    Bolivia-Arica: Land route, by Route CH-11 Tambo Quemado, that goes through Parinacota from La Paz, Bolivia.
    Anywhere-Arica: Airway (Chacalluta Internacional Airport) and Seaway (Carlos Ibañez del Campo Port)
    Arica-Lauca National Park: Land route, by International Route CH-11 Arica- Tambo Quemado (Bolivia)
    North-Lauca National Park: Land route, by Route A-125 Parinacota-Visviri.
    South-Lauca National Park: Land route, by Route A-235.

  • Surroundings:

    Alero de Patapatane, Caquena Bofedal, Chungara Lake, Surire Salar Lagoon, Cotacotani Lagoons, Payachatas mountains, Parinacota, Lauca National Park, Putre, Caquena River, Chungará tambo.


  • Lauca National Park

    The Lauca National Park is a Biosphere Reserve, a place of vast landscapes and impressive flora and fauna. Visit it with this full day excursion…

    Full Day
    From USD $100
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Tourist Attractions in Lauca and Putre National Park