Toro Lake
Know Toro Lake
Toro Lake is another “crystalline” attraction of the region. With 202 km2 in surface and 320 meters of depth, the lake offers more than beautiful suroundings, exotic vegetation and native fauna. It has an irregular tophography, in which the peninsulas and inlets are the protagonists. The lake offers the possibility to walk around it if the weather conditions are the best. Toro Lake is the biggest in the region and part of it belongs to Torres del Paine National Park.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna. Interesting tophography.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Hiking, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Trasandino weather, with ice in high places. The summer media temperature reaches 10,8°C –this season has the ideal weather conditions-.
- Location:
Flora and fauna. Interesting tophography.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, information center.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Punta Arenas-Puerto Natales: Land route, by Route 9 north.
Puerto Natales-Toro Lake: Land route.
Santiago- Puerto Montt: Land route and airway.
Puerto Montt-Puerto Natales: Seaway. - Surroundings:
Las Montañas Channel, Castillo Hill, W Network: Torres del Paine Base- Valle del Frances-Grey Lake, network: Cordillera Paine Lake, Puerto Natales seashort, Dos Lagunas, Calvo Fjord, Bories cold-storage plant, Balmaceda Glaciar, Gulf of Almirante Montt, Balmaceda Lake, Azul Lagoon, Verde Lagoon, Paine Mountain, Cueva del Milodon Natural Monument, Bernardo O´Higgins National Park, Torres del Paine National Park, Antonio Varas Peninsula, Puerto Natales, Alacalufe National Reserve, Serrano River, Ultima Esperanza Inlet.
Nearby tourist attractions
Base de las Torres del Paine - 33 kmCerro Castillo - 22 kmCircuito Largo Cordillera Paine - 31 kmCostanera Puerto Natales - 60 kmGlaciar Balmaceda - 38 kmGlaciar Grey - 47 kmGlaciar Serrano - 34 kmGlaciar Tyndall - 41 kmLago Balmaceda - 80 kmLago Grey - 34 kmLago Nordenskjold - 24 km
Lago Paine - 43 kmLago Pehoe - 23 kmMacizo del Paine - 34 kmParque Nacional Torres del Paine - 44 kmPuerto Edén - 60 kmPuerto Natales - 60 kmRío Serrano - 20 kmSeno Ultima Esperanza - 61 kmTorres del Paine - 30 km
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