
Chile has different urban services, all compliant with a country that's working to step away from the third-world label. Some of them are:
All the urban cities, and some of the rural towns, have potable water.
The electricity is 220 volts. So, if your country uses 110 volts, you will need an adaptator for any gadget you bring. Adaptators can be bought in specialized stores.
Public lighting is present all over Santiago.
All houses, hostals and hotels have heating systems, by galon or tube.
You can find out about international events and daily news in newspapers, radios and newscasts on television.
Daily newspaper are El Mercurio, la Tercera, La Nacion, La Segunda, Las Ultimas Noticias and La Cuarta. Also, there are different magazines and quincenal papers.
Radios work on two frequencies: FM and AM. Every frequency has many radio stations, being the FM stations the most popular ones.
National public television features 6 networks (RedTv, UCV, TVN, MEGA, Chilevision and Canal13), plus 2 Cable companies and 2 Satelital TV Companies.