Time and Holidays

- Time
- Continental Chile has a time based on the UTC-04:00 and it falls in the same timeline as the Eastern Time DST in the United States.
However, during summer time the time varies, skipping ahead an hour and ending up in the same hour than New York.
Insular Chile, on the other hand, which means Easter Island is set in the UTC-06:00 in winter and UTC-05:00 in summer. - Holidays
- Holidays in Chile are considered as days off work, although some dates do not fall on the day they are known for, but they've moved during the week to a Monday so people can enjoy a long weekend and get out of the city if necessary.
Holidays in Chile are:Month Day Holiday January 1 New Year March or April Changes every year Holy Friday and Saturday May 1 Labor day May 21 Navy Glories June Changes every year Corpus Christi June 29 Saint Peter, Saint Paul August 15 Ascensión de la Virgen September First Monday of the month National Reconciliation Day September 18 Independence Day September 19 Army Glories October 12 Columbus Day November 1 All saints Dicember 8 Inmaculada Concepción Dicember 25 Christmass