Ski guide

50 km away from Temuco, Corralco Ski Center is in the middle of the Malalcahuelco Natural Reserve and, specifically, on the southeast of the Lonquimay Volcano. It is a center that receives more and more people every year because of its beautiful location, its tracks that include millenary araucarias on the way and because it remains open all year, focusing on other activities and sports when there is no snow on the mountain.
In Corralco you can also practice other snow related activities, such as snowboard, snow cat, and tubing, as well as excursions for randoneé, snowshoeing and ecotrax.
You can access the center through Temuco, where you can get by bus or car. From Pucón, you can get to Corralco through Victoria or Lautaro.
It is a small ski center where people go up exclusively to practice ski related activities, considering it does not have a hotel complex up on the mountain. In Temuco, however, there is a great variety of hotels of excellent quality. Considering the city is only a few miles away from it, it is worth staying on the ground and then go up the mountain to enjoy nature and ski.
With over a thousand hectares, Corralco has seven tracks for experts and beginner skiers, as well as a lift, and a teleski to move around the center.
More information Corralco in